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Oppose Parking Charges at Livingston South Station

West Lothian Council are proposing to charge up to £5 a day for parking at Livingston South train station. 

Parking at this station is already too limited, and discouraging people from parking there will have knock-on effects for the whole Murieston area. 

The station area isn’t just for parking: it’s at the heart of our community.

Parking charges will:

  • Increase illegal and inconsiderate parking in the surrounding areas
  • Make it harder for people to access local amenities such as the shops, parcel drop-off and village hall
  • Seriously challenge the financial viability of the village hall, with knock-on effects for after-school childcare and local clubs, church, and community efforts to combat social isolation
  • Threaten local businesses and community organisations
  • Disproportionately affect the elderly, disabled, and those with caring responsibilities
  • Increase existing tensions around school parking
  • Disincentivise active travel, as the car park is used to “park and stride” to nearby locations
  • Disincentivise environmentally friendly train travel
  • Be contrary to West Lothian Council’s priority of “Helping to create strong and sustainable communities”

Sign this petition now to oppose the parking charges and save our village hub!

For more on West Lothian Council’s plans, follow this link: