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Save Linhouse Loop – Selfie Challenge!

Help us protect the Linhouse Loop from housing development

What’s happening?

The Linhouse Loop (offically known as Linhouse Circular) is a much loved and well-used green space in the Murieston and Bankton area. Popular with families, dog walkers, cyclists, horse riders, and more, it’s part of what makes our area such a wonderful place to live.

In our survey for the Murieston Local Place Plan:

  • 89.2% of you told us that the walks and outlooks in Murieston were important to you
  • you told us that Linhouse Circular is the second most valued recreational area in Murieston – only Murieston Trail is more used
  • 70.1% of you told us that you use the Linhhouse Circular for recreation
  • 82.8% of you oppose building housing in the Linhouse Circular area

The Local Place Plan is supposed to represent the community views to West Lothian Council, and help ensure that local voices are at the heart of local decisions.

Despite this, West Lothian Council have begun to assess the site for development opportunities.  In all likelihood, this will mean a new housing estate. The Council also recently undertook a consultation to move school catchment boundaries to include the Linhouse area within the Williamston Primary School catchment.

We know that building new houses is important, but so is green space for the community. We wouldn’t want the council to build new houses on Campbridge Park; nor do we want houses in the Linhouse Loop area. Watch our video to hear about it.

Help us show the Council how precious this space is to us, and safeguard it not just for us, but for all the future residents of Murieston.

How you can help

Send us a selfie of you and your loved ones enjoying the Linhouse Loop!

Linhouse Loop is currently zoned for future industrial use. However, it has had this status for over 30 years, during which time it has become a valued and much used recreational space for our community. We plan to create a digital collage to share with the Council, so that we can show how the loop is really used.

  • Snap a shot of you enjoying the loop and send it to
  • If you can, add a couple of lines telling us what the area means to you.
  • Unless you tell us otherwise, the photos you send may be used on our website, social media and presentations to highlight our campaign. If you do not wish them used for one or more of these purposes, please let us know.

We will bring this all together to make the case that the Linhouse area should not be used for housing development.

A note for parents and carers:

We would love to show that Murieston residents of all ages enjoy the loop. However, we also understand that parents and carers may not wish to share their child’s photo online. If you would like to, feel free to send us selfies with children’s faces edited out 😊

Thank you for your support!